A reference can make or break your chances of a new job, but employers are required to be honest when asked about former staff members.

Outside of regulated financial services roles, there is no actual requirement for firms to provide a reference when an employee leaves, and many will just confirm whether someone had been employed by them, and their employment dates.

But there are still rules around what past employers can and cannot do or say. For instance, a reference must not give a misleading impression of an employee and there are occasions when certain negative information should be disclosed.

Emma Cocker, senior associate in the employment team at Lawrence Stephens, said: “If a referee gives a reference which is misleading, they may be liable for negligence, either to the new employer or the employee. 

“In addition, if a referee knowingly includes false information with the intention that the recipient will rely on it, the referee will be liable to the recipient for a civil claim of deceit from the new employer.”

Former employees could also challenge bad references and Iffi Wahla, co-founder of global recruitment network Edge, warned some employers are afraid of giving negative reports due to potential legal repercussions.

He said: “The reality is that some employees simply don’t perform to the expected standards or may have caused issues that future employers need to be aware of. 

“However, it’s crucial for employers to ensure that their references are fact-based and not influenced by personal biases or unfounded accusations. This is the only way the system works.”

Here is what an employer can and can’t say about former staff members, and your rights if you get a bad reference.

When can an employer give a negative reference?

References must be a true reflection of an employee’s work history.

Some employers get around this by just confirming employment dates on a reference, but there is a requirement to be honest.

That can mean disclosing negative information.

Nick Hawkins, employment lawyer at Knights, said: “There has long been a myth that an employer cannot give a negative reference. That is simply not the case. 

“The law around references, developed by case law, dictates that references must be true, accurate and that the employer had reasonable grounds for believing as much. To that end, it is certainly the case that a negative reference can be given.”

There are occasions when employers may need to give a reference that contains negative information about a staff member, such as if they committed an act of fraud or dishonesty.

Kate Palmer, employee services director at human resources and legal consultancy Peninsula, said: “Not including that information in a reference could give a misleading impression of the employee’s character and trustworthiness. It is important, however, to ensure that any negative information included is true, accurate, and based solely on fact, rather than personal opinion or bias, either conscious or unconscious.”

Legal considerations

Employers have a few legal factors to consider when providing a reference.

On the one hand, it needs to be accurate and truthful so it doesn’t mislead a future employer and open the business up to legal claims of deceit.

But there is also a risk that the employee challenges a bad reference and brings a legal challenge for defamation or discrimination.

Andrea Thomas, employment partner at HCR Law, said: “An employer or former employer owes a duty to not give a misleading impression. 

“Employers also have to be careful to ensure that references are not discriminatory and particular care must be taken in making negative comments about performance, attendance or sickness absence where there is a risk that these issues might be related to a disability.”

When presented with a list of reference questions, Claire Brook, Employment Law Partner at Aaron & Partners, said one option is to refuse to respond. 

If, however, the individual wants the company to respond, it may be worth showing the departing employee the questions.

She said: “Given an employer is under a duty to provide an honest response, they may need to ensure that the reference is consistent with any reasons for dismissal, especially if there is also a risk of an unfair dismissal claim from the employee.

“In circumstances where, for example, the reason for termination of employment and/or sickness absence data is requested, an individual will often say they would prefer the employer to simply provide a standard form factual reference limited to dates of employment and job title confirmation and to refuse to answer the detailed questions from the new employer.”

If an employer feels a negative reference is required, the first option may be to just not provide one at all to avoid legal liability.

How to challenge a bad reference 

If you get a bad reference from a previous employer, mediation service Acas advises following these steps:

  • Ask to see a copy of the reference
  • Speak to the new employer to address their concerns
  • Offer alternative references
  • If issues can’t be resolved, consider an employment tribunal or county court claim

An employee will not normally know about the content of a reference until it has already been provided to their prospective employer.

Ms Thomas said this can make it difficult to challenge.

She added: “While the employee can dispute what was said about them, the damage has probably already been done. 

“The employee may still have a remedy against their employer or former employer if they have given an untrue, misleading and damaging reference, leading to a job offer being withdrawn, but that is often of little comfort.”

Susan Thompson, partner at Simkins LLP, suggested an employee could bring claims for defamation, malicious falsehood, or negligent misstatement if their employer gives an inaccurate reference, and could claim victimisation or discrimination at an employment tribunal.

Employment tribunal cases have to be launched three months minus one day from the date of the alleged discrimination.

You can also make a county court claim if you can prove a reference was misleading or inaccurate and you suffered a loss, such as if the job offer was withdrawn.

This would mean a long process and paying legal fees though, so you have to question if it is worth the stress and the cost.

Ms Thompson added: “Other than seeking financial compensation, there is little an employee can do to challenge a bad reference. If a new employer is put off by a bad reference, the court cannot order the potential new employer to change its mind, and it would have probably filled the relevant position anyway before any claim made its way into court.”

Protecting your reputation

Your best chance of avoiding a bad reference is making sure you are a good employee so you can avoid legal disputes and conflict in the future.

In cases where an employee has left a position with a settlement agreement, there may be agreed wording for a reference.

If a dispute is likely, make sure you have evidence of your own conduct.

Ms Cocker added: “Courteous, on time for work and reliable – these are all behaviours employers hold in high regard.

“If there are circumstances which might affect your ability to comply with expected norms, such as being a parent or carer, or having a disability, discuss these with your employer as soon as possible so they are aware of any mitigating circumstances.”

Mr Wahla added that it is important to leave a job on good terms and request a reference while your contributions are fresh in the employer’s mind.

He said: “Managing your online presence making sure your professional profiles highlight your achievements and skills can help counterbalance any negative references. Also generally maintaining professionalism and strong performance in your roles helps a lot.”

Employer obligations and rights

There is no legal obligation for an employer to provide a reference other than in senior regulated financial services roles.

But if an employer gives a reference, it has to be honest.

Ms Palmer added: “When giving a reference, employers owe a duty of care to both the former employee and their prospective employer, which means that any reference given must be true, accurate, and not misleading in any way, either positively or negatively.”

Mr Hawkins added: “There is after all nothing which obliges employers to give a reference.

“It can be the case that a refusal to provide a reference is, in of itself, damaging to an individual, but it’s arguably less damaging for the employee, and less risky for the employer, if no reference is provided.”

Seeking professional help

Employees can get guidance from Citizens Advice or Acas if they are unhappy with a reference, and you may even get support if you are part of a trade union.

You will need to consult a solicitor if you want to bring a legal claim for defamation, negligence, or discrimination.

Ms Thomas added: “This is an area of law that straddles the fields of employment and dispute resolution as in most cases any remedies for a poor reference will lie with the civil courts. 

“Employees should therefore seek specialist legal advice from a firm of solicitors who offer both areas of expertise. 

“Employees should seek advice as soon as they become aware that a negative and misleading reference has been given. Employers should also seek advice in situations where they have received a reference request, but do not feel that they are able to give a positive reference.”

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