There can be no denying that this column has made an absolute bodge of Burberry, especially as June’s trading alert leaves the shares trading at less than half of our entry point in next to no time.

We are reluctant to cut and run with the shares trading at 15-year lows, not least as that would crystallise a nasty loss. Instead, we shall simply have to give the new management team under Joshua Schulman time to try and steady the firm’s slumping fortunes.

The cancellation of dividends, immediate departure of chief executive Jonathan Akeroyd, and the stock’s ejection from the FTSE 100 in the latest quarterly reshuffle only confirm the extent of the company’s plight.

Demand in China is not recovering as quickly as hoped, the company’s strategy to hike prices is backfiring and leaving it with unsold stock, and the discounting needed to shift that inventory only tarnishes Burberry’s credentials as a luxury brand, where lofty pricing is one of the attractions to plutocratic would-be purchasers. An operating loss in the current quarter is by no means impossible.

In sum, it is a mess, and one that Mr Schulman is being brought in to clean up, after stints at Coach, Jimmy Choo and Michael Kors. All we can say, at this point, is that nobody seems to believe Burberry is a luxury goods stock any more.

The dividend cut also seems pragmatic under the circumstances. The balance sheet carries little debt, but it does bear £1.1bn in lease liabilities and those payments must be made whether Burberry is making money or not.

The picture could hardly look less bleak, and that is at least something in Mr Schulman’s favour. Expectations are very low as management looks to maximise the value of Burberry’s heritage check design, perhaps by segmenting its target audience. 

Western luxury buyers seem to prefer stealth wealth and understatement, with logos and patterns discretely on view, if at all. However, the rapidly growing Indian and Middle East markets, whose potential must be tapped as China remains difficult, lean toward more statement pieces with clear, big logos much more prominently displayed. Ranges for both, using and adapting and displaying the checks to differing degrees, may be required.

A fresh approach to, and greater emphasis on, candles, lotions and perfumes may also help. These are high-margin products which can appeal to aspirational buyers whose pockets are not quite so deep.

There are unlikely to be any really quick fixes, but it is just as possible that the darkest hour is just before the dawn.

Questor says: buy
Ticker: BRBY
Share price: 586.8p


We may have made a hash of Burberry but our last missive on gold miners was spot on. No sooner had we suggested that the bid by South Africa’s Gold Fields for Canada’s Osisko meant UK-listed gold diggers looked cheap than AngloGold Ashanti made a cash-and-stock offer for Centamin. 

Centamin’s board has recommended the bid, so the offer price is not going up, unless a counterbidder tries to gatecrash. As such, it may make sense to take the money and run now to lock in a total return, including $0.33 a share in dividends, of almost 50pc.

Not all UK-based investors may fancy owning a stake in South Africa-based and New York-listed AngloGold Ashanti. The structure of last week’s proposal, whereby AngloGold is offering 0.06983 of its shares and 12.5 US cents in cash for every Centamin share (plus an already-declared 2.25 US cents dividend), would leave owners of Centamin with a stake of around 16pc in the buyer. 

If the AngloGold deal falls apart for any unexpected reason, investors can always return to Centamin anyway. In the meantime, the portfolio can retain exposure to gold via both the pure-play Resolute Mining and also Fresnillo, which produces gold alongside the silver that is the Mexican miner’s primary focus. 

The precious metal continues to trade near all-time highs, but gold mining shares remain unloved, despite a number of merger and acquisition deals within the sector since the turn of the decade.

The NYSE Arca Gold Bugs index, a basket of gold-diggers nicknamed the HUI, trades near all-time lows relative to the precious metal price. Resolute trades on around 1.6 times historic net asset value (NAV) per share compared to the 1.7 times multiple implied by the Centamin bid and the 1.8 times average rating currently afforded to the leading New York- and Toronto-listed miners.

Questor says: Be firm and stay (with) Resolute – hold.

Questor says: sell
Ticker: CEY 
Share price at close: 156p

Resolute Mining
Questor says: hold
Ticker: RSG
Share price at close: 37.3p

Questor says: buy
Ticker: FRES
Share price at close: 574p

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