When the much-missed Danny Baker took over the reins of BBC 5Live’s bafflingly popular football phone-in, 606, he instigated a simple rule. If it’s something you would say to your mates in the pub, he said, I don’t want to hear it. England haven’t picked the right XI? Man United need to sack their manager? Save it for your mates in the Dog and Duck. At a stroke, a droning moanfest of pub bores became the funniest, liveliest, most surprising show on the radio, filled with delightful ephemera and curios from all corners of the Football League.

Having spent the past week immersing myself into the world of General Election podcasts, I kept recalling Baker’s wise words. If it’s something you would say to your mates in the pub, I don’t want to hear it. For political junkies – and in some form or other, we are all one of those right now – there are enough podcasts out there to last a trip to Mars and back. Most pump out a new episode each day. All are suffering from having too much time to fill and not enough to say.

Take Newscast (BBC Sounds). I have nothing against its knowledgeable presenters, Laura Kuenssberg, Paddy O’Connell or Adam Fleming, but among the occasional nugget (I enjoyed Monday’s guide for getting through election night) there is far too much of what I’d say to my mates in the pub. That bloke’s question on Question Time was a bit rude and reductive. Ed Davey’s stunts seem to be working. There are too many polls.

The Today Podcast (BBC Sounds) has Nick Robinson and Amol Rajan talking about what they were just talking about on the Today programme – so much of the election-podcast content is talking about talking about things. This hit its nadir last week when the BBC threw together a “podcasting supergroup” featuring the presenters of Newscast, the Today Podcast and When It Hits the Fan (the excellent and, phew, weekly show about PR). And what were these media bods there to discuss? The media, of course.

Rajan began by talking about an episode of When It Hits the Fan he’s just been listening to, and it only got more solipsistic from there. The Today programme was praised to the heavens, broadcast media was hailed over newspapers, and the sentence “I agree with everything you’ve just said” was uttered on more than one occasion. The nuggets were pure pyrite – social media is influential, for instance, or an interviewer’s job is to find out what politicians don’t want to say. The episode ended with each team able to plug their own podcast. Talking about talking about talking about things.

Politics podcasts, however, are enormous business – just ask Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, whose The Rest is Politics is a monster hit. Once you’ve waded through Campbell and Stewart’s horrible scripted-reality adverts for Money Supermarket and light banter about gilets, you get plenty more down-the-pub chat. In last Friday’s breakdown of the second Sunak v Starmer debate, there were morsels – Campbell, the tease, mentioned the many “clap lines” he’d written in speeches for politicians, but didn’t elaborate. Perhaps what these podcasts need is a moderator: “Can I stop you there, Rory? Alastair, tell me about the clap lines…”

You can get a similar vibe from George Osborne and Ed Balls’ Political Currency, the latest episode of which began – horribly – with some tortured chat about the England v Slovakia match. Like Campbell and Stewart, these two should have insights galore into the General Election, but so much of it was material that would make Danny Baker sigh. Ed Davey’s stunts are cutting through? Yes, thanks lads, I’ve heard that one before. 

There are umpteen of these podcasts should you care to look for them, and most of them have had Alastair Campbell and/or Rory Stewart on as guests. Most of them, too, are the same mix of political-nerd fandom, loosened-tie banter and talking about talking about things. The best of them is Page 94, the podcast from that scourge of the media, Private Eye. Andrew Hunter Murray, Helen Lewis and Matt Muir mix genuine insight with clarity and – hallelujah – wit. 

In a recent episode, Lewis discussed the concept of “chicken runs”, where an MP likely to lose their seat defects to another, more winnable constituency: “Richard Holden said ‘I love the north west, it’s in my blood’. It turns out what’s also in his blood is Essex.” It’s insightful and cynical like earwigging on the conversation of the funniest, cleverest nerds in college. “I love this podcast,” said one listener. “It’s so much less up its own a--e than the competition.” Well said.

Could satirical humour do anything to improve my audio experience of the election? Well, on Radio 4, I would recommend avoiding Munya Chawawa’s Election Doom Scroll (painful) and Call Jonathan Pie’s election special (hectoring), and turn instead to Michael Spicer: No Room – Election Special. This Blue Jam-esque show, like Pie and Chawawa’s, shoots fish in a barrel – but it makes sure it does so with a very silly gun and an amusingly shaped barrel. I particularly enjoyed the One-Minute Leaders’ Debate (could catch on), which even managed to make a joke about Starmer’s dad being a toolmaker funny. Like Page 94 it’s dripping in cynicism. And that perhaps tells its own story.

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