Bagpipes turn up in the most unlikely places. The former Sultan of Oman – who served with the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) – was such a fan of pipe bands that he rolled them out across his own army. There was only one problem. Two of his regiments were mounted on camels, and their jerky movements caused the pipers all manner of dental damage. 

“We came up with a great idea of a very flexible blowpipe,” says Kenny MacLeod of McCallum Bagpipes in Kilmarnock. “We call it the camel-friendly blowpipe. Of course, they absolutely adored it – especially the guys that were losing their teeth.” 

Who knew that bagpipes were so globally popular? This year, China got its first ever youth pipe band, at the Nord Anglia Chinese International School in Shanghai. And it is not uncommon for Scottish manufacturers to export at least three-quarters of their products overseas, to everywhere from California to the Middle East. They’ve infiltrated popular culture, too. Bagpipes have also featured in the scores of recent blockbuster movies, including Dune: Part Two and Poor Things, and been popularised by rock bands such as the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.

The unexpectedly global popularity of bagpipes is one of the curious revelations in a new Sky Arts documentary series, Battle of the Bagpipes, which starts tonight and examines the ardour aroused by a set of reed pipes connected to a windbag held under the arm, which has led Scottish troops into combat for centuries. The first depiction of the bagpipes is on a clay tablet from an area now on the Syrian-Iraqi border, and dates back to 3,000BC. It is thought they did not make it to Scotland until the late Middle Ages, when they were used during battles between warring clans, before being taken up by the aristocracy around the 14th century.

In Sky’s series, over three one-hour episodes, we follow bands waging war in the surprisingly fierce world of competitive piping, as they seek to come out on top at Glasgow’s World Pipe Band Championships and the North Berwick Highland Games. Both are usually held in August, though the latter has been cancelled this year after the sudden death of the games’ president, John Starr.

In the series, narrated by Fleabag’s Bill Paterson, we also observe the equally arduous process of selecting the Lone Piper who closes the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo from the top of Edinburgh Castle, also in August.

A pipe band is not just made up of pipers – the drummers are the crucial other half of the equation. (Typically a band will have between six and 25 pipers, three to ten side drummers, one to four tenor drummers and a single bass drummer.) 

Nineteen-year-old Kerr McQuillan recently took over as the lead drummer of Peoples Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia, based in West Lothian. It makes him the youngest head of a grade one drum corps by about 15 years and is, he says in episode one, “what I dreamed of since the day I was born”. (Grade one is the highest of nine levels assigned by the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association.)

“It was just within my blood,” he tells me on a video call from his home in Bearsden, East Dunbartonshire. “Mum was a piper, dad was a drummer – that’s how they met.”

What is his secret to dominating his discipline at such a young age? “I can almost guarantee you right now that no-one works as hard as me,” he says. “It’s every single day, eight hours’ practice, working on my fitness, stamina, agility. It is hard work and love for what you’re doing, but also that goal of winning at all costs.”

McQuillan speaks of drumming in pipe bands as if he were an Olympic athlete. Not only does he pursue all manner of marginal gains – “the 1 per cents that make a difference to your performance” – he keeps graphs on his computer of his personal bests. His current record is 1,011 drum beats a minute.

He is only in his teens and still a student (reading traditional music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) but McQuillan says already: “It’s a full-time career for me now.” He teaches in schools, tutors upwards of 20 people a week privately online, does workshops in countries from Israel to Zimbabwe and gigs with a group called Drums N’ Roses. Nothing, however, can compare to the feeling of competing as part of a pipe band: “You get chills when you’re playing.”

And he has no plans of quitting any time soon. “My aim is to be the leading drummer of Boghall for 40 years. That’s what I set out to do when I took over.”

Matt Wilson can empathise. The pipe sergeant of Field Marshal Montgomery, a band from Lisburn, Northern Ireland, he has won ten world championships since joining in 2002. He first competed back in 1995 in a juvenile contest and now teaches children aged from seven to 18 as head of pipe bands at the independent Dollar Academy in Clackmannanshire.

The son of a grade one pipe major himself, he says: “I’ve won everything, multiple times. It’s one of those situations where you want more of it.”

The 40-year-old takes competing so seriously that he has several superstitions. “I’ll always put my right sock and shoe on first. I always have a shave the morning of a championship – I don’t know why.” He also mentions the days when he had “lucky pants”, though he adds: “I wouldn’t try and get those back out again.”

But it is not all about heated competition. Another contributor to the programme is Finlay MacDonald, the artistic director at the Piping Live! festival, an annual extravaganza held in Glasgow in the lead-up to the world championships.

MacDonald, also the son of a pipe major, is pleased that the kind of folk music he enjoys making – once denigrated as “kitchen piping” – is now equally celebrated.

“There’s a much broader understanding of the fact that you can also play in a folk band and tour the world and do festivals and write new music, non-competitively. Everything we do comes from the tradition, but it has to evolve.”

MacDonald is also the director of piping at the National Piping Centre and is speaking from his office in Glasgow, having just been to listen to his students from the Sultan of Oman’s armed forces do their mid-term performance. Three weeks earlier, he took ten pipers to close Dior’s first fashion show in Scotland since 1955.

He says he is always trying to expand access to the music, which can be male-heavy and dominated by private schools. While a practice chanter – a recorder-like instrument with finger holes – can cost about £30, a full set of pipes can easily set you back £1,200.

Nonetheless, the bagpipes have always had a certain cachet. Elizabeth II, for instance, was such a bagpipe devotee that she had her personal piper – a post that dates back to the time of Queen Victoria – strike up for 15 minutes underneath her window every day at 9am.

And it emerged last year that she collared then-Chancellor George Osborne at a state dinner when she heard that the Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming might be facing the chop.

Osborne recalled on his Political Currency podcast: “The next day I got into the Treasury and I said, ‘Is there a bagpipe school, and for God’s sake tell me we are not closing it down.’”

Major Gordon Rowan laughs at the story. Before his retirement in May this year, he was head of the school and had a key role in appointing Paul Burns – whom he taught to play – as Her Late Majesty’s final piper.

“I had picked up murmurs that she had maybe made comments to certain pipers about [fears of closure] when they were in the palace,” the 52-year-old says from Pipe Dreams in Glasgow, where he now works crafting reeds for bagpipes. “Because of her passion for piping, she never ever wanted to see it disappear and I think with the new King, that will be exactly the same.”

At his first Ghillies Ball at Balmoral as monarch last year, Charles spoke with Rowan about his time learning to play the pipes himself while a schoolboy at Gordonstoun in Moray. “He said in a joking way he didn’t think with his fingers now that he would be able to play the bagpipes any more.”

Rowan has played at the White House, as well as the King’s Coronation and the Queen’s funeral. At the latter, the most poignant moment for many was when her coffin was lowered into the Royal Vault beneath St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. The Piper to the Sovereign played one final lament, A Salute to the Royal Fendersmith, as he, and his music, gradually faded into the distance. The bagpipes also soundtracked the final scene of The Crown, in an episode titled Sleep, Dearie, Sleep, after the Scottish lament for the pipes performed at her real-life ceremony.

Rowan is not in any way surprised that the instrument was able to move us so profoundly. “It stirs the blood,” he says. “People want to emulate what we do, but unfortunately they can’t. The Brits do it to a high standard – you couldn’t match that, and long may it continue.”

Battle of the Bagpipes begins on Wednesday 3 July at 9pm on Sky Arts and NOW

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