If you are already in a whirl of parties, planes and piña coladas, then you might have kissed goodbye to your usual health routines until Autumn already. Tiny tweaks can make all the difference to your health without spoiling summer fun.

Here are 29 super easy health hacks to help you wring the most enjoyment out of your summer.

1. Have your cuppa cold

High summer is no place for hot beverages. Psychologist and nutrition expert Kimberley Wilson recommends switching to a cold brew. “I try to drink a cup or two of green tea every day because regular consumption is linked to a 64 per cent lower risk of cognitive decline as we age.”

Simply put a green tea bag in a water bottle and let it steep in the fridge overnight. “It has a milder, less bitter flavour than traditionally brewed green tea so even those who don’t usually like it might be able to get on board.” Add a squeeze of lemon juice for a little zing.

2. Stick to an early dinner

Longer evenings can often mean later dinners and delayed bed times. “Try to enjoy your dinner earlier than 9pm to avoid disrupting your metabolism,” says Dr Federica Amati, the head nutritionist at Zoe, the science and nutrition company, and author of Every Body Should Know This and Recipes for a Better Menopause.

“Zoe’s research shows that eating after 9pm has negative impacts for most of us. An earlier dinner leaves plenty of time to socialise, go for a walk or enjoy an outdoor movie screening before bedtime.”

3. Close the windows

Keep your home as cool as possible by drawing the curtains and blinds during the hottest part of the day. “You can even hang those silver car window reflectors in the window of the rooms that get a lot of sun,” says Prof Russell G Foster the author of Life Time: The New Science of the Body Clock. It’s OK to open them at night to allow cooler breezes to circulate. 

4. SPF your diet

A diet rich in phytonutrients like α-tocopherol (vitamin E), flavonoids, β-carotene, lycopene, and lutein can provide excellent protection against UV damage from the skin, says immunologist Jenna Macchiochi. “This means eating all that lovely fresh seasonal produce like berries, grapes, melons, tomatoes and papaya to protect your skin from the inside out.”

5. Chuck in an ice cube 

Drink more water with your alcoholic drinks; stick some ice in your cider, add soda to wine, or have more mixers with your spirits. “Drinking water along with alcohol dilutes the alcohol in your stomach and bloodstream,” explains Prof David Nutt, an expert in neuropsychopharmacology. “This lowers the concentration of alcohol that reaches your brain at any given time, reducing its intoxicating effects.”.

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urine production and can lead to dehydration. “Drinking water helps counteract this effect, maintaining hydration levels and aiding in the elimination of alcohol from the body through urine.”

6. Go barefoot

Summer is the perfect time to get into grounding – walking barefoot on the grass to connect with the earth’s energising negative ions – says wellbeing expert Liz Earle, the author of A Better Second Half. “Previously thought of as all a bit woo-woo, studies show that ‘earthing’ the body by making contact with the ground (grass, rock, sand or stone) reduces inflammation in the body and even speeds wound healing.”

7. Fly full of fibre

Up your fibre when you fly. “You can fight holiday constipation and bloating by eating plenty of fibre-rich foods when travelling,” says Dr Amati. You can become dehydrated more easily when you experience changes in climate, altitude or your activity levels. Dehydration plays a big role in constipation because it slows down the movement of waste through your intestines. “Olives, nuts, seeds, hummus and crudités and popcorn are your friends along with plenty of water.”

8. Move the ankles

Walking in a hot environment or sitting on a long flight can lead to swollen feet and ankles. 

“Circle the ankles and feet before you stand up after a long time, or once you sit down after a long day. There are 33 joints in each foot – just get them moving,” says osteopath and yoga teacher Anji Gopal from The Back Care Foundation. “Don’t overdo it. Three circles each way will get them moving and free up the soft tissues around the calves.”

9. Stay safe when exercising in the sun

Wear SPF, light clothing, drink plenty of water and exercise early in the morning or later into the evening when the weather has cooled to prevent sun stroke or dehydration, advises Caroline Idiens, the founder of strength and fitness platform Caroline’s Circuits. “Remember to keep workouts short!”

10. Go blackcurrant hunting

Most of the blackcurrants in the UK go to manufacture a well-known cordial, but if you are lucky, says Wilson, you can grab some at a Pick Your Own. 

“They have at least 10 times the polyphenols of blueberries,” she says. In studies, the polyphenols in blackcurrants have been shown to improve attention during tasks designed to be cognitively fatiguing. “They do this in part by increasing blood flow in the brain. I’ll either make a quick compote to spoon on my breakfast yogurt and granola or make a syrup to flavour my homebrew kombucha.”

11. Don’t exercise on a hungover

A major misconception is that you can “sweat out” your hangover, however, doing this only makes matters worse, says Shona Vertue, a personal trainer: “The discomfort we feel during a hangover primarily stems from three factors: sleep deprivation, dehydration, and the build-up of acetaldehyde (a nasty byproduct of the metabolisation of alcohol in our bodies). All these elements necessitate rest, not the added stress of exercise.” 

While physical activity might temporarily distract you from the symptoms, it doesn’t aid your body’s recovery. Instead, says Vertue. “It’s wiser to stay in the shade, hydrate, and if you feel up to it, take a gentle afternoon walk.”

12. Cool off before bed

Have a cool or lukewarm shower or bath just before going to bed. “This cools the body directly and can help reduce the temperature of your skin,” says Prof Foster. “But don’t overuse soaps as this can remove natural oils and this could encourage yeast or fungal growth – causing itching.” Alternatively, wet your face, arms and body with a water filled spray bottle, then stand in front of a fan. “At the same time, you can soak your feet in cold water for 10 minutes before going to bed – heat is lost most quickly through your extremities (feet and head).”

13. Go on a technology detox with your family

You don’t have to go camping somewhere remote to all go screen free for the day. “Take the challenge of spending one day a week phone and screen free and find ways of making the time you would normally spend on your phone time to be together,” says Dr Deiros Collado. “Find out what creative ideas spark!”

14. Add more food 

At this time of year the damaging bikini-body-ready narrative goes to a new level around eating less. “Flip the thought process and think instead at every meal ‘what can I add?’ says Becca Meadows, a nutritionist and founder of She Thrives.

This could be a challenge to try more summer veggies, to add some nuts and seeds, a drizzle of olive oil or some fresh herbs. “This change in inner dialogue represents so much more than a little more food; it represents freedom, it represents a prioritising of your health over aesthetics. Your gut, nervous system and your mood will thank you for it.”

15. Salt your water

Pop a pinch of celtic salt in your water to rebalance your electrolyte levels. Salt provides sodium, which is an electrolyte that helps hydrate the body. “This is a great way to start the day and really important on hot sweaty days,” says Shaw.

16. Chill your potato salad 

If you’re heading out for a picnic with a potato or pasta salad, try cooking then cooling your carbohydrates first. “This increases the resistance starch, which means you don’t get such a big glucose spike. Resistant starch acts like fibre and it’s great for feeding the friendly bacteria in your gut,” says nutritional therapist Madeleine Shaw.

17. Facial spritz

Use a mineral water mist with hyaluronic acid. “Mineral water mists hydrate the skin without disrupting your makeup or SPF,” says Dr Mahsa Saleki, an aesthetic doctor and founder of SAS Aesthetics.

“Adding hyaluronic acid to the mist enhances its hydrating properties, as hyaluronic acid helps attract and retain moisture in the skin.” Throughout the flight, spritz your face with a mineral water mist containing hyaluronic acid every couple of hours. “This will keep your skin hydrated and refreshed.”

18. Pace yourself

If you have back-to-back barbecues and summer parties, slowing down your alcohol intake will stop you from over doing it. “It takes roughly one hour for you to process one unit (10ml/8g) of alcohol,” explains Prof Nutt. “Drink slowly and you will have a chance to process the alcohol, which means your blood alcohol peak won’t be as high, which has been shown to give less of a hangover.” 

19. Clear out the clutter

We’ve just had the summer solstice and reached the midway point of the year so it’s perfect timing to reflect, analyse, set goals and take action. “Pick an area of your living space and bring order to the clutter and chaos,” says Asha Chong, a five element acupuncturist.

Donate to charity, allowing room for the new to arrive and take its place.

“In the same way, take time to dust off the cobwebs in the mind: Old thoughts, old beliefs, old grudges. Give your thinking a polish.”

What would you like to realise? “Devise a plan and find ways to make those hopes and dreams come into fruition.” 

20. Play with SPF 

If your toddler or child doesn’t like sunscreen try putting a couple of blobs in a small dish and using a large make-up brush to apply it with. “Draw faces and shapes on their tummy and back and invite your child to grab a brush and have a go too!” advises clinical psychologist Dr Martha Deiros Collado.

21. Get gut local

Buy some local yogurt or kefir (a fermented dairy drink) wherever you happen to be, advises Earle. “It will help to ward off ‘traveller’s tum’ by populating the gut with a diverse set of beneficial bacteria strains, local to your new environment. Overall gut health improves with increased microbial diversity and this is an easy win for the our microbiomes.”

22. Eat to exercise in the heat

Adjust your diet for summer exercise by incorporating fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges. “Also include foods rich in potassium and sodium, like bananas, nuts, and seeds, to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat,” says Kunal Makwana, a personal trainer and founder of KMAK Fitness.

Heavy meals can increase body heat and make you feel sluggish. “Opt for smaller, more frequent meals with a focus on lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol, which can contribute to dehydration. Similarly, avoid overly salty snacks as they can increase your body’s need for water.”

23. Decompress under a tree

With the longer days, enjoy the unique beauty of evening light by taking twilight walks, which offer a peaceful contrast to daytime outings. “If you’re feeling burnt out from summer socialising, anxious or weighed down by negative emotions, I recommend sitting under a tree, taking off your shoes and letting your bare feet sink into the grass, connecting deeply with the earth, then connecting with your breath,” says holistic therapist Lisa Butcher. 

“Breathe in through your nose to the count of four. Imagine that every breath you are breathing in is revitalising you with the energy from nature, and breathe out to the count of eight, emulating a sigh. Every out breath imagine sighing out any toxins or negativity. This breath calms the parasympathetic nervous system.”

24. Apply a pre-flight sleep mask

Sleeping masks are packed with hydrating ingredients and form a barrier that helps lock in moisture. “They are designed to work overnight but can be incredibly effective during a flight.” says Dr Mahsa Saleki, aesthetic doctor and founder of SAS Aesthetics.

Apply a generous layer of a hydrating sleeping mask just before boarding. It will act as an occlusive layer, preventing the dry cabin air from stripping your skin of moisture.

25. Pack a resistance band

An excellent way to keep up your strength workouts when you are away without the need for heavy weights. “Bands are amazing for full body sessions and so versatile – you can even wrap one around your case to spot your luggage at baggage reclaim!” says Idiens. 

Anywhere exercises include squats, lunges, planks and push-ups. 

26. Get your morning light

Take advantage of the light mornings. When you wake up in the morning try and get 15 mins of daylight on your skin. “This helps set your circadian rhythm, making you sleep better and have more energy in the day.” says Shaw. “So make the most of these light mornings and start the day with a walk even if it’s just to your local coffee shop.”

27. Dry brushing

Incorporate dry brushing into your daily summer routine to improve blood circulation and exfoliate your skin. “Make long, sweeping motions from your extremities towards your heart,” says Guillaume Guibordeau, the founder of the AXO Method. “This technique not only enhances circulation but also promotes lymphatic drainage, leaving your skin healthy and glowing during heat waves.

28. Hack the buffet 

When faced with a huge hotel buffet, fill your plate or bowl with protein, carbohydrates and fats and practice portion control, says celebrity trainer Louisa Drake. “You want to include your macronutrients in every meal.”

An example would be eggs (protein), carbohydrates (toast) and smoked salmon (fats and protein) with butter. “Add some leafy greens such as steamed or sautéed spinach for a vitamin boost or drink your greens with a veg focussed green juice.”

29. Stock up on frozen berries

Summer berries spoil quickly, but freezing them helps reduce food waste and ensures you always have nutritious options on hand. “Frozen berries retain their nutritional value as they are picked and frozen at peak ripeness,” says Jodie Relf, a PCOS dietitian and spokesperson for MyOva. “Use them to top yogurt, mix into granola, add to smoothies, flavour your water, or even enhance your summer cocktails.”

Illustrations by Liam Tooher

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