The Edinburgh Fringe is a right of passage for many comedians. Despite the yearly moans about rent costs, clueless punters and the ever-shrinking pool of decent places to get a kebab at 5am, comedy’s young guns – and old hands – still flock up north every August to try their luck. 

But a comedian is only as strong as their last gag. Of course, lots of other factors are also at play – delivery, ambience, how p–ssed the punters are – but ultimately a set stands or falls on the quality of the joke. If it doesn’t make you laugh when written down, in the cold light of day, is it even funny? 

This, then, is a brutal test of witticisms. Comedians headed to the Fringe this year sent in their best shots – and you get to make the call on which is funniest. And comedians, if you fancy having a go (and getting a bit of free advertising), send your best jokes to

Alex Kitson

Ate horse at a restaurant once – wasn’t great. Starter was alright but the mane was dreadful.

Alex Kitson: Must I Paint You A Picture?, Hootenannies, Potterrow (Wee Yurt), 10.55pm, August 2-25 

Stuart Laws

I saw a guy drunk-driving a hearse. Out there drumming up business.

Stuart Laws Has To Be Joking?, Monkey Barrel Comedy, 4.45pm, Aug 1-13, 15-25

Chelsea Birkby

Comedy is tough: I said to an audience member: “You’ve got a twinkle in your eye”. He looked worried and said, “I’ve got conjunctivitis”.

Chelsea Birkby: This Is Life, Cheeky Cheeky, Just the Tonic at The Caves, 9.20pm, Aug 1-11, 13-25

Olaf Falafel 

My dad used to say to me “Pints, gallons, litres” – which, I think, speaks volumes.

Olaf Falafel Asks: Has Anyone Actually Ever Woven A Sigourney?, Laughing Horse @ The Pear Tree, 3.45pm, Aug 1-13, 15-25

Bella Hull

I used to eat my entire advent calendar in one day. Some years I wouldn’t even touch the windows. I’d just go straight through the roof.

Bella Hull: Piggie, Pleasance Courtyard, 9.45pm, Aug 1-13, 15-26

Milo Edwards

Royal Mail say they can save £650m a year by only delivering the post 3 days a week. Of course they can! I could save £40 a month on my phone bill by simply walking into the sea.

Milo Edwards: How Revolting! Sorry To Offend, Monkey Barrel Comedy, 5.45pm, Aug 1-11, 13-25

Philip Henderson

When it comes to my sexuality I don’t like to be pigeonholed, although I am up for everything else.

Phil Henderson: Space Cowboy, Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 11.30pm, Aug 13-25

Ed Patrick

Had my wedding recently. I married a midwife, so she’s upgraded to a full wife.

Ed Patrick: Comedians’ Surgery, The Stand Comedy Club 3 & 4, Aug 15-18

Luke Rollason

My whole family are psychics. I was born with the gift of hindsight, I realised later.

Luke Rollason, Luke Rollason, Let Down Your Hair, Pleasance Dome, 7.10pm, Aug 1-12, 14-25

Rachel Kaly

People think I’m not threatening because I’m so short, but I’m actually closer to the size of a gun than any of you.

Rachel Kaly: Hospital Hour, Pleasance Courtyard, 6.55pm, Aug 1-11, 13-25

Zoë Coombs Marr

I studied sculpture at uni. We learnt carpentry, welding, mould making, steel joinery. It was mostly boring, except for steel joinery, which was actually riveting.

Zoë Coombs Marr: Every Single Thing in My Whole Entire Life, Monkey Barrel Comedy, 5pm, Aug 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-25

Jazz Emu

It’s so embarrassing when people are obsessed with celebrity and appearing well connected. I’ve been telling my best friends Paul and Ringo for years.

Jazz Emu: Knight Fever, Pleasance Courtyard, 9pm, Aug 1-11, 13-25

Derek Mitchell

Why do families in horror films always find a doll at a flea market with a literal axe coming out of its head and say: “This would be great for the kids!”

Derek Mitchell: Double Dutch, Pleasance Courtyard, 10.50pm, Aug 1-12, 14-25

Harry Stachini

If I were Jesus Christ coming back now in 2024 with the state of the world, I’d keep a low profile, open a nice little wine bar and start working on the second book.

Harry Stachini: Grenade, Underbelly, Bristo Square, 5.45pm, Aug 1-11, 13-26

Ali Woods

You might not think my job’s important, but at least clowns have been around for a while. I’ve never heard of a Medieval Marketing Executive.

Ali Woods: At The Moment, Underbelly, Bristo Square, 8.30pm, Aug 1-11, 13-25

Isabella Charlton

My mother never hugged me, because she’s English and I’m not a horse.

Isabella Charlton: So My Dad F****d The Nanny, Gilded Balloon Patter House, 9.40pm, Aug 1-11, 13-25

MC Hammersmith

Have you heard of an egg and spoon race? Spoiler: they just sit there. Waste of my bloody time.

MC Hammersmith: The MC Stands for Middle Class, Monkey Barrel Comedy, 1.55pm, Aug 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-25

Spring Day

They say that life begins at 40. If that’s true, I guess that means Jesus never really lived.

Spring Day: Exvangelical, Pleasance Courtyard, 6.05pm, Aug 1-12, 14-25

Will Owen

I’m doing this show to prove my childhood bullies wrong. I’ve had to make a lot of awkward calls to make sure they’re definitely coming.

Will Owen: Like, Nobody’s Watching, Assembly George Square, 10.20pm, Aug 1-12, 14-25

Which jokes made you laugh? Let us know in the comments below

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