Sperm banks are a pretty surreal way to find the father of your baby. Browse an online catalogue, select your favourite characteristics (eye colour, height, university degree?) and place your order. In The Man with 1,000 Kids, Netflix’s latest stranger-than-fiction documentary, one woman explained why she chose a particular donor. “He had curly hair, bright blue eyes, a good set of teeth.” It sounded like she was judging at Crufts.

The donor in question was Jonathan Jacob Meijer, a Dutchman whose mane of hair seemed to be a selling point for many prospective parents unable to have children of their own. “We really hoped that our kids would have his hair, because he had a beautiful head of curls,” said John, his wife Joyce nodding in agreement. 

Meijer had other things going for him too: in the YouTube videos he posted from his international travels, he seemed like a happy-go-lucky, free-spirited type, albeit one who talked about cryptocurrency and eating raw steak. He had helped a couple of people to have children before, he told John and Joyce, and their baby would be his third.

He also told that to Suzanne and Natalie, and Laura and Kate, and Vanessa, and Nicolette. And, it turned out, hundreds of others. When he finally wound up in court, Meijer admitted to fathering “nearly 600” children, but one guess puts the number as high as 3,000.

This three-part story is told from the point of view of the parents who were duped by Meijer. In their desperation to have a child, they overlooked some sketchy behaviour – like offering to impregnate women “the natural way” rather than hand over a sperm sample. Some of them said yes.

At first, the documentary treats all of this in a pretty jaunty way, including Joyce’s tale of driving home with the sample in a container clamped between her thighs – only to get lost, panic that the sample would deteriorate before she found her way back, and somehow inseminate herself on the hard shoulder. 

But the horror slowly dawns. Nicolette discovered that a colleague at the school where she worked had also used Meijer. Then a second colleague noted that their children looked alike. And so it went on. The film-makers illustrate this growing network by having baby-face emojis pop up on a map. Soon, that map is covering many more countries, including Britain.

The danger of children having so many half-siblings is spelled out – the risk of them meeting as adults, being drawn to one another and unknowingly committing incest – but the parents seem to worry less about the potential psychological effects.

The film-makers try too hard to turn this into a Tinder Swindler-style tale of women exacting revenge, and there is a late twist. But even without that it’s a decent tale that prompts bigger questions about the donor industry. Meijer declined to be interviewed, so we can only guess at his motivations.

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